The Tender Management process in LifeSciences and HealthCare Market is a highly complex and critical one.

It requires integrated solutions expressly designed for its specific needs, and not generic multipurpose products.

Give your Sales rep the ability to manage all Tender & Bid requirements of the Healthcare Market, including Lot&Sublot management, Products Family, Hierarchies, Kits&Components, Samples, Loan For Use, Trade Discount…

Let them be independent in retrieving Offers and Tenders information, and save response time and Back Office involvement.

Make them actors of the Offer and Tender approval cycle, in a controlled way and in compliance with your Pricing Policies.

Choose CM|XS Mobileile, the right complement to FBK Contract Manager, and you'll get the “State of Art” solution in BackOffice & Tender Management on the Market.

CM|XS Mobileile is compatible with: iPhone (iOS 8.2 or higher), iPad (iOS 8.2 or higher), Android (4.4 or higher) and Windows (7 or higher).

If you would like to discuss how FBK could provide strategic, operational and functional improvements to your Tendering Processes, please do not hesitate to contact sales@fbk.it

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